Episode 5 — Margaret Heller
Today, I’m chatting with Margaret Heller, a Digital Services Librarian at Loyola University Chicago. She also writes for the always-useful ACRL TechConnect blog, is active in LITA and Code4Lib, and a board member of the Read/Write Library Chicago.
- Github: gloriousgeneralist
- Twitter: @Margaret_Heller
- Site: www.gloriousgeneralist.com
In this episode
We talk about the awesomely DIY Read/Write Library of Chicago (which is eager for your volunteer involvement, Chicagolanders); building a culture of UX testing; useful web analytics tools (and their privacy implications); and the pros and cons of open source library tech stacks.
Also we thank good sysadmins for making the world a better place. (Do you have good sysadmins in your life? Go give them a hug or buy them some coffee or a beer. Every day your technology isn’t on fire is a day that’s better because of your sysadmin. They’ll probably bail you out when the tech is on fire, too.)
- How Buildings Learn by Stewart Brand; you should read this book
- Drupal and its taxonomy builder
- WordPress
- Omeka
- LibGuides
- Alma and Primo from Ex Libris
- Google Analytics
- Inspectlet
- Measure the Future
- Matthew Reidsma on how to do quick, cheap usability testing
- Steve Krug’s extremely influential usability books Rocket Surgery Made Easy and Don’t Make Me Think, plus his free, downloadable usability test scripts
- Camtasia
- Repository software options: Digital Commons, DSpace, Hydra